(UTV|COLOMBO) – Actor Ryan Reynolds has shared the poster for “Once Upon a Deadpool,” the upcoming PG-13 cut of “Deadpool 2” featuring his titular character and Fred Savage riding on top of a reindeer.
The only F word in this movie is Fred Aaron Savage. #OnceUponADeadpool #AsYouWish pic.twitter.com/fkzhLhWrPj
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 9, 2018
Fans can also expect new footage in the form of a framing sequence in the revamped film that Ryan Reynolds and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick devised for the project.
Savage will reprise his role from the 1987 classic “The Princess Bride” in eight scenes which were filmed.
“Once Upon a Deadpool” hits 12 December.
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