(UTV|COLOMBO) – Ananda College, Colombo and Musaeus College Colombo won the boys’ and Girls’ Green Ball Championship in the Ritzbury All Island ‘A’ Division Schools Play Day Tennis Tournament concluded at the Sri Lanka Tennis Association (SLTA) courts yesterday. St. Peter’s College Bambalapitiya won the boys’ Green Ball second place while Newsted College won the girls’ Green Ball second place.
Ananda College, Colombo won the boys’ Orange Ball title while Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala secured the second place. In the girls’ Orange Ball contest, Ave Mariya Convent, Negombo emerged champions while Musaeeus College won the second place.
The Red Ball contest saw St. Peter’s College, Bambalapitiya clinching the boys’ title while Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo won the girls’ championship. Ananda College, Colombo and Kalutara Balika Vidyalaya won the boys’ and girls Red Ball second places respectively.
All Island Play Day Tennis initiative is conducted by the SLTA with the sponsorship of Ritzbury and attracted over 1000 girls and boys for both ‘A’ and ‘B’ division competitions. ‘A’ Division contest included Green Ball (under-10), Orange Ball (under-8) and Red Ball (under-7) age category events. (DN)
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