Trending NewsSamsung salvages Galaxy Note 7 parts for new phoneMohamed DilsadJuly 3, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJuly 3, 2017046 (UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – Samsung is releasing a new phone using parts from its Galaxy Note 7, which was axed after a battery fault led to...
ව්යාපාරිකGalaxy Note 07 යළි නව මුහුණුවරකින්Mohamed DilsadMarch 28, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadMarch 28, 2017036 (උදයම්,දකුණු කොරියාව) – බැටරි දෝෂයක් හේතුවෙන් බෙදා හැරීම අත්හිටවනු ලැබූ Galaxy Note 07 වර්ගයේ දුරකථනය නව මුහුණු වරකින් ඉදිරිපත් කරන බව සැම්සුන්ග් සමාගම පවසයි. Galaxy Note...
Trending Newsදුරකතන ලොවේ පෙරළික් කිරීමට ‘Xperia XZ Premium’Mohamed DilsadFebruary 28, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadFebruary 28, 2017042 (උදයම්,කොළඹ) – Super Slow motion දුරකතනයක් sony සමාගම පසුගියදා එළිදැක්විය. තත්පරයට රූපරාමු 960 ක් ලබාගත හැකි වන පරිදි සකස් කර ඇති මෙම දුරකථනය Xperia...
Trending NewsSamsung confirms faulty batteries as cause of Note 7 firesMohamed DilsadJanuary 23, 2017January 23, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJanuary 23, 2017January 23, 2017048 (UDHAYAM, SOUTH KOREA) – Samsung’s probe into its Galaxy Note 7 fiasco has found that the overheating and burning of the phones was caused by...
Trending NewsCourt refuses Samsung Chief’s arrestMohamed DilsadJanuary 19, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJanuary 19, 2017065 (UDHAYAM, SOUTH KOREA) – A Court in South Korea has refused a request by prosecutors to issue an arrest warrant for Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong,...
Trending NewsSamsung Chief questioned in South Korea corruption probeMohamed DilsadJanuary 12, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJanuary 12, 2017046 (UDHAYAM, SEOUL) – Samsung Chief Lee Jae-yong is being questioned at the prosecutor’s office in Seoul as a suspect in South Korea’s biggest political corruption...