Trending NewsDeputy Principal arrested over taking bribesMohamed DilsadJanuary 24, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJanuary 24, 2017057 (UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – A female deputy-principal who was taken Rs. 5000/= as a bribe for the admission of a student into 6th-grade was arrested by...
Trending NewsIndividual arrested for obtaining Rs. 3 million bribes for school admissionMohamed DilsadJanuary 20, 2017January 20, 2017 by Mohamed DilsadJanuary 20, 2017January 20, 2017053 (UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – An individual who received nearly Rs. 03 million from five individuals to enroll students to popular schools in Colombo was arrested yesterday...