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Verdict on Duminda Silva’s appeal out today

UTV | COLOMBO – The verdict on the appeal filed by Former Parliamentarian Duminda Silva challenging the death sentence issued by the Colombo High Court will be delivered by the Supreme Court today.

The petition will be heard before a five member bench comprising Chief Justice Priyasad Dep, and judges Buwaneka Aluwihare, Prasanna Jayawardene, Nalin Perera and Vijith Malalgoda.

The Colombo High Court found Former MP Duminda Silva and four others guilty of murdering five persons including former Parliamentarian Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra on the 8th of October 2011.

The Colombo High Court accordingly sentenced the five persons to death on the 8th of September 2016.

The death sentence was delivered after the bench was split on the verdict with three judges finding the suspects guilty and two judges against.

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Mohamed Dilsad

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Mohamed Dilsad

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