(UDHAYAM, CHENNAI) – Su. Thirunavukkarasar, the Chief of the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, announced yesterday (25th February) that “Rajendran was removed from the position of President of Ramanathapuram District Congress Committee for bringing disrepute to the party,” since he was arrested on the Pudukottai highway on 23rd February for allegedly smuggling gold from Sri Lanka. Ranjendra is better known as ‘Good Luck Rajendra.’
The Indian Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) arrested Rajendran and his driver K Gandhi for allegedly possessing 11.9 kg of gold bars, valued at $ 572,800. The DRI also collected “incriminating evidence” from his residence. Further, Rajendra was previously arrested under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of Chennai.
“Gandhi admitted that he was carrying the gold to Chennai as instructed by Rajendran, who has been his employer for nearly 20 years,” the DRI reported.
M Deivendran succeeded Rajendran as the President of Ramanathapuram District Congress Committee.