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MPs fight: Divulapitiya committee meeting interrupted – [VIDEO]

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – The Divulapitiya Divisional Coordinating Committee meeting which was held on 28th February was abruptly adjourned when Ranjan Ramanayake, Deputy Minister of Social Empowerment and Social Welfare got into a heated verbal argument with United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Parliamentarian (MP) Indika Anuruddha.

The argument began when Dy. Minister Ramanayake inquired the Kotadeniyawa Police Officer-in-Charge (OIC), D. D. Wickremesinghe, regarding an alleged incident involving soil excavation in the Waradala area.

The question prompted a quick response from Anuruddha, which led to an exchange of improper language at each other while the meeting was still in session.

The two Parliamentarians continued to trade barbs at each other for over 45 minutes, despite continued attempts by their supporters to separate them.

Asha Siriwardena, the Director of Planning in Divulapitiya, called off the meeting subsequently, while the Police and supporters escorted both Ramanayake and Anuruddha out of the meeting hall. (Courtesy – DM)

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