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“Sri Lankan Muslims are united”- ACMC in Makka

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Even though Islam is a religion of peace, emphasizing much on unity and reconciliation, this is not the view taken by many in the international community. And Sri Lankan Muslims are united in the declaration of ‘All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama’ according to the Leader of the All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC), Parliamentarian Rishad Bathiudeen.

ACMC Leader Bathiudeen was addressing the International Conference on Islamic Unity organised by the Muslim World League (MWL) and themed “Perils of Labelling and Exclusion.” The two-day event is supported by King of Saudi Arabia Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. More than 1,300 Muslim scholars and preachers from 140 countries were meeting at this event to call for unity of the Muslim world to address wrongful profiling and exclusion.

“Islam is a religion of peace, emphasising much on unity and reconciliation, this can only be achieved if we are strong and strength is based on faith and unity. Allah commanded us to be united and not be divided. The 103 verse in holy Quran describes the importance of unity. This is a time we should not give a wrong impression about Islam and Muslims everywhere in the world. Even though Islam is a religion of peace, emphasising much on unity and reconciliation, this is not the view taken on us by many in the international community. We all know that, some groups within the peaceful Muslim world, have failed to understand, the importance of unity. They are very busy creating many artificial conflicts, both within and outside their societies. What is sad is that they use Islam for their dangerous activities that threaten communal and religious harmony. Declaration of unity by All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) apex religious body of Sri Lankan Muslim community, ensures unity within Sri Lankan Muslim community. Sri Lankan Muslims are living in a country where the Buddhists are the majority. The Government of Sri Lanka has established a separate Ministry for the unity and reconciliation of people within Sri Lanka called as the Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation and the Minister is a non-Buddhist. I also propose we need to adopt Islamic sayings more frequently, in our day-to-day lives and even in our international relations, that relates to the Muslim community” ACMC Leader Bathiudeen said.

‘All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama’ is the apex religious body of Islamic theologians that provides religious and community leadership to the Sri Lankan Muslim community and their declaration contains the details about the Declaration of the Council of Cooperation and Coordination operating under ‘All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama’ regarding unity among the communities of Sri Lanka.

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