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Minister Haleem writes to New Zealand appreciating measures taken after Christchurch attack

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The Minister of Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs, Abdul Haleem has written to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, on behalf of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

“We leaders around the world have lot of things to learn from the People of New Zealand and the Government as well,” Minister Haleem stated appreciating the recent measures taken by the New Zealand Government after the brutal Christchurch incident, adding that it “Shows and designates the qualities and assets of a well-established and well civilised country.”


The Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister of New Zealand
Parliament Buildings
Private Bag 18041
Wellington 6160

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing this on behalf of the Muslim community in Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka regarding the recent measures taken by the New Zealand Government after the brutal Christchurch incident.

Dear Prime Minister, in my view of point you the leader of the New Zealand Government is the sign of moral leadership and the people of New Zealand are proof of humanitarianism, diversity, ethnic harmony, and hospitality.

It is very clear that the public of New Zealand is shocked, worried and distressed by the tragic assassination which was executed by an anti-social extremist targeting Muslims of the country.

We know, not only in the city where the incident occurred, but the whole country is sorrowed and multiple vigils are being organised all over the country. Many scheduled sports and entertainment events have been cancelled. Mosques and the schools are now patrolled, and the media reports in line with the media ethics.

Moreover, the Leader of the Country meeting with all Islamic Centres, Mosques and Leaders to ensure the concern of the Government on the Minority Muslims. And refused to utter the name of the culprit of these assassinations in the House of Members and spread the message that the country not welcomes such disgusting, inhuman activities.

All of these measures taken by the New Zealand Government and its people shows and designates the qualities and assets of a well-established and well civilised country.

We leaders around the world have lot of things to learn from the people of New Zealand and the Government as well.

It is my duty to appreciate the New Zealand Government and its kind people.

Thank you for your service and the solidarity with Muslims.

M. H. Abdul Haleem
Minister of Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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