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Filming on “Bond 25” quietly underway

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Though official production doesn’t kick off until next month, it appears the next Bond film has already quietly begun some filming with two different outlets both indicating that director Cary Fukunaga and Daniel Craig are currently in Norway in order to shoot one of the movie’s key sequences.

Separate sources for both The Daily Express and MI6-HQ indicate that sets have been built on the location and cameras got rolling today on the sequence which utilizes a frozen lake in the country.

The film’s screenplay isn’t finished, but the lake will be melting in the coming weeks as the weather heats up so the decision was made to film this sequence ahead of the main shoot which will otherwise start too late to complete it.

It’s expected that a press conference announced the film’s full cast and title will take place in the next week or two at Pinewood Studios. The film itself is slated to open April 8th 2020.

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