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Brexit: Push for May’s Brexit deal after quit pledge

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Efforts to persuade MPs to back Theresa May’s Brexit deal will continue on Thursday, a day after she promised to quit as PM if it was approved.

Her pledge brought some on-side, such as ex-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

But challenges remain for the PM after Northern Ireland’s DUP, who she relies on for support, said it would not back the deal because of the Irish backstop.

Meanwhile, none of eight alternative Brexit proposals brought by MPs secured backing in a series of Commons votes.

The options – which included a customs union with the EU and a referendum on any Brexit deal – were supposed to help find a consensus over how best to leave the EU.

But the failure of any of them to garner support from a majority of MPs led Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay to say it strengthened ministers’ view their deal was “the best option”.

Courtesy: Foreign Media


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