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Sri Lankan caught with Indian passport

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Indian Immigration Officials has caught a 38-year-old Sri Lankan National at Kempegowda International Airport while attempting to return to his hometown in Jaffna on a valid Indian passport, The Hindu reported.

The accused, Vibulanandam Thasara, had been living in Vellore in Tamil Nadu for the past sixteen-years with his wife, said a Senior Police Officer. Thasara told Officials that he came to India in 2002 on a Tourist Visa and settled in Vellore. He got a job in a photography processing unit and later married a local woman in 2005.

In 2018, Thasara obtained an Indian Identity Card allegedly using forged documents and successfully applied for a passport from the Regional Passport Office.

He was booked under various sections of the Foreigners Act and also under the Passport Act. He was remanded in judicial custody.

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