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Military vibes from down under

(UTV|COLOMBO) – With a voice as sweet as a Nightingale, an Aussie in Military Uniform from down under, AJ held the crowd spellbound as she hit the right note in what proved to be an evening of fun, relaxation and entertainment at the Galle Face Hotel.

The Australian Army band was in Sri Lanka last week and visited Galle Face Hotel agreeing to entertain foreigners and locals in Sri Lanka. It was an evening of good company and fine food. Visitors to the GFH were from all ages belonging to groups of families and friends.

AJ is definitely a talented singer who has a wide repertoire and a powerful voice and in combination with her other skilled Aussies, the crowd were treated to many popular songs. Who doesn’t like music? The ambience was just right and the fact that the sea was close by added to the wonderful effect the band had on the audience. We were able to catch the dusk that led to a night of merry making.

Seated there at the tables many must have been thankful for the fact that they were alive and able to enjoy music and the togetherness. Having watched American Idol and X-Factor many would vouch for the fact that AJ would have had a very good chance of entering the finals had she taken part in those contests.

Daily News spoke to fellow band member of Australian Army Band Sydney, Warrant Officer Class 2, Peter Mathison said that the band are based in Sydney, Australia. The band is not at full strength because ten members are back in Sydney. The band was selected to play for the Indo- Pacific endeavor 2019.

“We have come here on board the HMAS Canberra. This group of 11 guys and girls can play anything from Jazz music to ten piece big bands, rock bands and ceremonial music. Up to now this tour Sri Lanka has been our first stop and there are five to go. I have been to East Timor in the Middle East, and most of the guys in the band have performed in the Middle East. After Sri Lanka we are off to Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia over the next two months. So this is the first time I have been in this region,” said Mathison.

Music is their passion and they have done it all their lives. Mathison pointed out that music is an international language and the band have grown up wanting to be musicians.

“Sri Lanka is great and I have had a ball. I think all the guys have enjoyed it. The week has been great and I have loved the food because it is different from Australia. So everyone has had an opportunity to experience life in Sri Lanka a bit and investigate the city of Colombo. Some of them went out on a day trip a couple of hours away from Colombo. But most of us went around Colombo took take in the culture. We are really excited to be here. We got excited when we came into port and like I said before music is an international language. People listen to it and they enjoy it. It doesn’t matter if you speak the same language, music will always bring people together,” explained Mathison.

He pointed out that this tour is the longest time an Australian army band has been away from home. They have been away for three and half months. The last time the longest trip was two weeks.

“I really look forward to life and there is so much more to learn in life. As a musician you can always get better. I started music when I was around five years old. I’ve been performing for around three decades and it is a great job being in the Australian army. It is different from any other job you can have in Australia,” said Mathison.

Courtesy: DN

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