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India offers Ayurveda, Yoga scholarships to Sri Lankans

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The High Commission of India in Colombo has initiated a scholarship programme for Sri Lankan Nationals under the Ayush Scholarship Scheme for UG/PG/PhD courses in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy for the academic year 2019 – 20.

The Government of India selects meritorious Sri Lankan Nationals for award of these scholarships in consultation with the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), Government of Sri Lanka.

These scholarships cover full tuition fees and a monthly sustenance allowance for the entire duration of the course. The scholarship also covers accommodation allowance and an annual grant. Besides, all ICCR scholars in India are provided full healthcare facilities.

Candidates interested in applying for these scholarships may download the application form from the website of MoHE at

The last date for submission of the duly filled up application form is 26 April.

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