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Visually impaired cricket match takes place in Glasgow

(UTV|COLOMBO) – A visually impaired cricket match between Glasgow City councillors and RNIB Scotland staff and members took place on April 10.

The specially arranged indoor match included eight city councillors wearing either blindfolds or Sim Specs to simulate sight loss conditions.

The game differed as the bowler shouted ‘play’ as they released the ball, which was much larger than in a standard match.

Councillor Saqib Ahmed said: ‘I hope it will highlight the difficulties which are faced by people who are visually impaired on a daily basis. We want to raise awareness that people with sight loss can still play sports and that Glasgow as a city wants to encourage this.’

Madison Garland, disability cricket development officer for Cricket Scotland, added: ‘We jumped at the opportunity to set up this exhibition match to help raise the awareness of not only VI cricket but of disability sport, and the lack of opportunity that those with a visual impairment or disability have.’

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