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“Ready to face investigations, ready to prove I’m correct” – Minister Rishad Bathiudeen

(UTV|COLOMBO) – In a special statement, Minister Rishad Bathiudeen and Leader of ACMC clarifies various allegations made against him, stressing that they are attempts to accuse him falsely. “I am ready to prove that I am correct” he adds.

The full statement by Leader of ACMC and the Minister of Industry, Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons, Cooperative Development, Skills Development & Vocational Training Rishad Bathiudeen is given below:

“Various people made allegations against me saying I ran away from Sri Lanka when I was recently for official work. Some people and media made these allegations. They made the allegations without checking the facts about this tour. With some other Ministers in Oman, we discussed about multi-billion rupee project for Sri Lanka with Omani government officials. After I returned from Oman, they have stopped the allegations. They also aimed other allegation against me and these allegation were so dangerous and insulting I had question back from certain media institutions as to why they are identifying myself with terrorists.

These allegations too were similar to the allegation that I ran away from Sri Lanka. These allegations had no basis, nor were supported by facts. They alleged one of my Secretaries were arrested with detonators and released. The alleged arrested person is not a Secretary of mine. He was a candidate in last Pradeshiya Sabha in the last PS election. He got elected. Even though he was arrested on suspicion, at the courts hearing it became clear that he was not guilty, and he was released. It was also speculated that a brother of mine was arrested and released. Both security forces and the Police conducted search operations in Mannar recently. My brother, at that time, was staying in a tourist bungalow in that area. This bungalow was also searched and my brother was questioned, vehicles thereat were searched. These were the only events that took place. Anyone can talk to Mannar Police and find out what happened.

Another accusation against me is a house belonging to my sister was rented out to terrorists. My sister and her husband have been living in Canada for the last five years. Her husband’s house was given to a caretaker. This caretaker advertised it on a website to rent it out after the previous tenants vacated the house in February. The house was then rented out for a year. I had no personal knowledge of any of these developments. Please try to think whether it is even reasonable to accuse me on this. The allegation that Ibrahim, father of bombers, had business dealings with my brother too is totally false and unfounded. Ibrahim and Colombo Traders Association of which he is the Chairman officially met me and my officials several times with CTA members to discuss their issues. My brother has no business dealings with Ibrahim’s businesses. There was another grave accusation saying that I had provided certain raw material to terrorists. The IDB under my Ministry releases different raw material to small and medium industries at different times. IDB also assists in marketing and technology transfer to them. Since 2005, through a newspaper advertisement IDB registers applying companies asking for raw material. Each applying company is issued with raw material based on their need. 300 companies were registered by IDB this year. The raw material for these companies were issued following proper procedures and legally.

Even though certain individuals asked us to give special preferences to their Wellampitiya factory, we did not extend such preferences, and did not act I violation of law. As a result, we appointed an independent committee headed by our Ministry Secretary and obtained their report as well. The report has been handed over to HE President and Prime Minister. If there is any violation, then action will be taken based on this report. Some people who make accusations on discovery of explosives and arms from Wilpattu jungles, falsely announce that this location is under my electorate. Vanathavilluva, where these were found, is not within my electorate. This is another attempt to accuse me falsely. The father of a bomber’s wife is a member of our Party’s Executive Committee. Is that a justifiable reason to accuse me? Ibrahim , the father of suicide bomber is a National List MP of JVP. Is that a justifiable reason to accuse the JVP of terrorism? Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka showed how a person who cooked for him for five years became his suicide bomber but tried to assassinate him and could not. President Premadasa too was assassinated by Babu, who was frequenting Sucharitha. Can these facts be used to say that either Field Marshal Fonseka or late President Premadasa were terrorists? Accusations are levelled at my businesses and income sources. SB Dissanayake holding press conferences lies in this regard. Since I did not accept his invitations during the 52 day coup, taking revenge from me in this way is playing cheap politics. However I want to stress that I have given my assets and liabilities statements since the day I entered politics. Anyone can inspect these statements. I am also ready face any investigation. Also I have made arrangements to take legal action against people and media institutions who make false accusations against me. They will be compelled to prove their allegations in front of law. I am ready to prove that I am correct. The people who make allegations against me knowingly or unknowingly safeguard the real terrorists and fundamentalists. Their actions results in myself highlighted while the attention on the real terrorist shifts. We are strong believers of Islam. Allah does not approve terrorism nor fundamentalism. I am not connected to terrorists nor support it. I myself am against terrorism. I was a victim of terrorism. I am connected to fundamentalism nor support it and against it. I am profoundly shocked of the loss of lives due to this terrorism and fundamentalism. I express my condolenes to the dead. I wish speedy recovery for the injured. I bow my head with gratitude to all who committed for peace and reconciliation at this difficult moment.

Especially I express my honor to His Eminence Cardinal Malkolm Ranjith. Also express my gratitude to Venerable Mahanayaka Theros, Ven Hindu clery and Moulavis. We also thank the security forces, police, civil society leaders and all village leaders for their prompt actions preserve peace.This is our country. We live as children of one mother. Our responsibility is to develop, safeguar and build our country. Let us discerningly commit to it. “

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