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FUTA & Finance Ministry to talks

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – The second round of discussions between the Federation of University Teachers Association or FUTA and officials of the Ministry of Finance is scheduled to commence tomorrow (21st Tuesday).

Speaking to a prominent online media portal, Media Spokesman of FUTA KP Nishantha said the discussions will commence at 8.30 tomorrow morning at the Ministry of Finance.

Educational activities were disrupted when the Federation of University Teachers Association launched a trade union action recently based on salary anomalies and various other requests.

Adding further, FUTA Media Spokesperson KP Nishantha said the federation was informed the discussion is pertaining to certain explanations.

He added in the previous round of discussions the Minister of Finance was not present and was instead represented by Treasury Secretary and Ministry Advisor R Paskaralingam who would attend the 2nd round of discussions as well.

Media spokesperson of FUTA said the first round of discussions had a positive impact however definite solutions were not provided as it was merely the path to the solution that was opened.

KP Nishantha added the FUTA’s requests are fair and the second round of discussions must address the drawbacks on the part of the Ministry of Finance and the Wages Commission.

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