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Dress code introduced for state employees & visitors

(UTV|COLOMBO) – A special circular has been issued pertaining to the uniform of state employees and a dress code for those visiting state offices for various services.

The circular states male officials during their work hours, when entering respective offices, should be clad in trousers and shirt or the national attire, while female officials are required to be clad in either a saree or a Kandyan saree.

It also states that officers who currently receive uniforms or vouchers for uniforms must be dressed appropriately as well.

During maternity an officer, should be dressed in loose clothing that is comfortable and appropriate to a work environment.

The circular also states that officers, who follow certain religious traditions for attire, may do so by confirming their religion and also dressing up in a manner that their face can be seen clearly, in order to confirm their identity.

Individuals entering state owned buildings, or visiting state service providers must be dressed in attire that helps authorities confirm their identity.

The circular was issued with the signatory authorization from the Secretary of the Ministry of State Administration JJ Rathnasiri, pertaining to the current security conditions in the country.

The circular was addressed to Ministry Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Department Heads.


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