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President must act according to his mandate- JVP

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The JVP says the enactment of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution paved way for the appointment of independent commissions among other progressive legislations in Sri Lanka.

JVP Parliamentarian Nalinda Jayatissa said the President should be wary of making comments on the country’s supreme law.

He said the President failed to fulfil the promises he made during the 2015 Presidential Election and now accusing others to conceal his inefficiency.

MP Jayatissa stressed that in order for the Nation to move forward the Executive Presidency should be abolished and the powers should be given to the legislature as the President had promised during the 2015 Presidential Election.

The MP also added the President must act according to his mandate regardless of his personal issues with the Constitution especially following the failure of the October 2018 coup.


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