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California hit by biggest earthquake in 20-years

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Southern California has been struck by its strongest earthquake in two decades, causing damage and fires.

The epicentre of the tremor, which had a 6.4 magnitude, was near the city of Ridgecrest, about 150 miles (240 km) northeast of Los Angeles.

Firefighters said they were providing medical assistance and dealing with fires in and around the city.

People from the Mojave Desert to the Pacific coast reported feeling the quake, which hit on Independence Day.

There was significant damage in the town of Ridgecrest, south west of the epicentre, Professor John Rundle, a local geophysicist told.

He added that it was fortunate the had quake happened far away from major population centres.

The Ridgecrest Regional Hospital has been evacuated, the Kern County Fire Department tweeted.

The service is currently working on nearly two dozen incidents ranging from medical assistance for minor injuries to fires.

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