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UNDP hails China’s contribution to promotion of renewable energy in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has commended China for its support and partnership in promoting production and dissemination of renewable energy technologies in developing countries.

Speaking at a workshop organized on Wednesday in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, to deliberate on the upcoming trilateral project of Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and China on sustainable and renewable energy, the UNDP Ethiopia Representative, Turhan Saleh, commended China for its support in the area, towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2019 global multi-dimensional poverty index report launched recently shows that access to energy is one of the key areas of concern that is holding back millions across the globe, in the fight against the debilitating impacts of poverty.

Reiterating China’s experience that is to be shared with others in renewable energy technology, the UNDP Ethiopia Representative recalled Forbes‘ report that China is currently the world leader in renewable energy patents, ahead of the United States (US), Japan, and the European Union (EU).

China is also the leading country in the production of renewable energy technologies, and according to the International Energy Agency, in the next 5-years 36 per cent and 40 per cent of the world’s growth in solar and wind energy respectively will come from China.

The 3-year trilateral project, which is supported by China also with finance of amounting USD 2 million, promotes sustainable energy solutions by focusing on demonstrating the applicability of biogas and solar photovoltaic technologies for communities in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia.

“The trilateral initiative will be officially launched in the coming months. In the meantime, allow me to commend the generous financial support of China to Ethiopia and Sri Lanka to implement this project with co-financing from the Ministry of water, Irrigation, and Energy, and UNDP-GEF project Ethiopia,” the UNDP Ethiopia Representative has said.

Speaking on her part, Liu Yu, Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, has reaffirmed China’s commitment to sharing experiences and working together with partners, within South-South cooperation, to ensure more sustainable energy development.

“China is always a strong supporter of international cooperation. We long-term support the multilateral mechanism with UN at its core. We want to make better use of international organisations,” Liu Yu has said.

“By South-South cooperation, we are eager to share our experiences with development partners, and work together to establish a more sustainable energy management system, to build a better living and development environment,” she has added.

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