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31, 500 police officers promoted

(UTV|COLOMBO) – A total of 31,500 police officers had been promoted including Police constables and inspectors with the approval of the  National Salaries and Cadre Commission and the National Police Commission, police spokesman SP Ruwan Gunasekara said.

He said those police promotions were made while considering seniority of the police officers. The promotions were made under the three categories 2019-01-01, 2020-01-01 and 2021-01-01 starting from the 1st of January 2019.

“5, 824 promotions were made including promotions of 4, 544 Police Constables to Police Sergeants , 30 Female Police Constables to Female Police Sergeants, 169 Police Sergeants to Sub-Inspectors, 15 Female Police Sergeants to Female Sub-Inspectors , 878  Sub-Inspectors to Police Inspectors, 147 Female Sub-Inspectors to Female Police Inspectors and 41 Police Inspectors to Chief Police Inspectors,” he said.

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