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Labour’s deputy Tom Watson condemns bid to oust him

(UTV|COLOMBO) –  Labour’s Tom Watson has said the bid to oust him as deputy leader by abolishing his post is a “sectarian attack” on the party’s “broad church”.

A motion had been tabled by Jon Lansman, of the Labour grassroots group Momentum, but was dropped after party leader Jeremy Corbyn intervened.

A Labour source said Mr Corbyn proposed the post should be reviewed, rather than abolished.

Mr Watson has been at odds with Mr Corbyn over the party’s Brexit stance.

An initial move to oust Mr Watson was made at a meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) on Friday but it failed to get the two-thirds majority needed.

A further attempt was set to be made on Saturday at the party’s conference in Brighton.

However before that went ahead, the NEC agreed to Mr Corbyn’s proposal not to put abolishing Mr Watson’s post to a vote and, instead, to review the post of deputy leader and other positions in support of the leader.

The Labour Party source said: “This will consider how democratic accountability can be strengthened to give members a greater say, expanding the number of elected positions and how diverse representation can be further improved.”





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