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Laffeer elected President of Veterans TT for 19th time

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Veteran TT player M.M.M. Laffeer was elected President of the Veterans Table Tennis Association of Sri Lanka for the 19th consecutive year at the Annual General Meeting held at the Otters Club, Colombo. Ira Ruwanpathirana was elected as the Secretary.


The new office-bearers are as follows.

President: M.M.M. Laffeer; Vice Presidents: Daya Samaraweera, Dr. G.N. Lucas, Rajiva Wijetunga, Deeplika Narindas and S.S. de Silva. Secretary: Ira Ruwanpathirana; Asst. Secretary: Mohammed Ilmi; Treasurer: Leel Wijesinghe; Asst. Treasurer: Athula Hettiarachchi; Committee Members: Sarath Wijesuriya, Dr. Priyangani Jayasundare, Capt. Anil Bowatte, Kelum Wijeratne, H.gamage, Athula Ratnaweera, N.H. Piyadasa, Ama Suraweera and Pushpa Colombathanthri.

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