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Megapolis Ministry discontinues accepting garbage at Aruwakkalu

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Following a statement made by Colombo Mayoress Rosy Senanayake which claimed that the Aruwakkalu is a failed project, the Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development said it has decided to discontinue accepting Colombo municipal solid waste to the partially completed Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill with effect from today (16).

In a statement secretary to the Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development Eng. Nihal Rupasinghe described a statement made by Mayoress Rosy Senanayake to media that “Aruwakkalu is a failed project and that they are not been able to deliver what they promised but all those ministers started taking ransom from me” as very disappointing.

The statement said, the Ministry has taken all steps to resolve the solid waste management disposal issue complying to all rules and regulations and environmental guidelines, as a result, the only large scale sanitary landfill facility is nearing completion.

“Having identified the grave issue, non-availability of waste disposal facility in the Colombo Municipal council area, we have come across a solution, a partial completion of sanitary landfill at Aruwakkalu enabling Colombo municipal waste to the delivered without making more environment hazard to the Kerawalapitiya site. Moreover, Kerawalapitiya site has come to its full capacity, there is no possibility of dumping garbage at Kerawalapitiya further”.

Please note that even at this moment, the only solution for waste disposal is the partially completed Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill.

The statement made by the Mayoress is very disturbing and implies that Colombo Municipal Council is capable of finding a better solution for dumping their waste.

Hence, this Ministry will discontinue accepting municipal solid waste to partially completed Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill with effect from 16th October 2019, the statement said.

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