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Auspicious times for Sinhala and Hindu New Year


1. The dawn of the New Year
Friday 14th April at 02.04 a.m.

2. Punaya Kalaya (Nonagathaya)
From Thursday 13th April at 07.40 p.m. to Friday 14th April 08.28 a.m.

3. Cooking Meals
Friday 14th April at 05.41 a.m. (Light the hearth clad in gold, facing North and prepare milk rice with ghee and jaggery.)

4. Commencing work, Transactions, and partaking of meals
Friday 14th April at 07.05 a.m. (Clad in white and blue facing North)

5. Anointing with oil
Saturday 15th April at 11.04 a.m. (Clad in blue facing North)

6. Leaving for work
Monday 17th April at 06.28 a.m. (Clad in white facing North)

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