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UTV wins big at 2019 State Television Awards [VIDEO]

(UTV|COLOMBO) – UTV yesterday (21) won 4 awards at the prestigious 2019 State Television Awards Ceremony held at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre in Colombo.

The prestigious awards were received by the respective Programme Producers Bishrin Mohamed and Mahusooq Abdur Rahman on behalf of the Channel.

A total of 8 programmes were nominated for the prestigious 2019 State Television Awards.

UTV unfolds as the first Tamil High-Definition (HD) premier television channel brand, working on presenting infotainment, highly consequential in Sri Lanka, to national and international audience with unfailing authenticity and reliability.

UTV broadcasts its Western Province transmission on UHF 54, and nationwide on Dialog Television (DTV) Channel 23, and on Personalised Entertainment Option (PEO) TV Channel 127 influencing the information and pure entertainment reach greater lengths.

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