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Army Chief says won’t hesitate to take disciplinary action against wrongdoers

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Editor-in-Chief of Bharat & SNI Mr Nitin Gokhale who has been a multimedia reporter since 1983, an author, media trainer, defence analyst, lecturer and researcher was among the firsts or perhaps the first foreign journalist who had the privilege of interviewing Gotabaya Rajapkasa, the new President of Sri Lanka in Colombo during the weekend.

Mr Gokhale, considered a think-tank in India on defence, military, conflicts and wars, now in Sri Lanka spoke to the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva on Saturday (23), seeking his vision on future role and tasks of the Sri Lanka Army, particularly in the aftermath of the new President’s assumption of office.

In his interview, the Commander spelt out how the Army since the conclusion of the humanitarian operation in 2009, has worked tirelessly for the benefit of affected masses and its dedication towards the post-war nation-building projects, prioritizing gestures of reconciliation and co-existence, a process, he emphasized, would be continued, sustained and supported by the armed forces as per the vision of the new President. He also explained the non-conventional threats that have been identified and other challenges and how he has kept his troops ready for any emergency in the future.

Lieutenant General Silva told the interviewer that how his great breadth of vision, based on seven pillars of strength, would attribute to the Modernization of the organization, National Security, Nation-Building, Reconciliation Process, Improvement of Skilled Professionalism and Career Progression, Welfare of Army members & Families, Retirement and Transition prospects for Army personnel in the future as his priorities.

Lieutenant General Silva also asserted that he would ensure the highest degree of discipline among all ranks in the organization and would not hesitate to take any disciplinary action against wrongdoers under any circumstances.

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