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‘Patali Champika’s arrest was an act of vengeance’

(UTV|COLOMBO) – JVP Politburo member KD Lalkantha says it is becoming apparent that the arrest of former Minister United National Front Parliamentarian Patali Champika Ranawaka was an act of vengeance.

Speaking to media in Kandy, Lalkantha said while there is no issue pertaining to taking legal action, it must be done in accordance with due procedure.

He added there was no requirement to arrest the Parliamentarian at his residence at night.

Lalkantha said MP Patali Champika Ranawaka’s arrest did not follow due procedure, adding that involving media in the incident also implies the arrest was an act of political vengeance.

He stressed the incident had been brought up based on a political force and was politically motivated.

He reiterated that while there is no issue pertaining to taking legal action over the incident, the manner in which action was taken shows that the arrest was an act of vengeance.



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