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Over 1000 Tri-forces personnel for relief operations

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – Tri-service personnel including more than 1000 Army personnel are currently participating in the rescue and relief operations in coordination with the Disaster Management Centre (DMC), District and Divisional Secretariats, Police and other authorities in flood-affected areas.

The operations are being carried out in Pahiyangala, Palindanuwara, Bulathsinhala, Kalawana, Wellampitiya, Padukka, Neluwa, Morawaka, Kamburupitiya, Weeraketiya, Beliatta, Deiyandara, Thawalama, Mulatiyana, Walasmulla, Rathnapura, Ellawala, Parakaduwa, Baduwatta, Pitakanda, Dehiowita Road, Arangodakanda, and Eheliyagoda area.

Hundreds of displaced people from the landslides in Arangodakanda in Eheliyagoda, Baduwatta in Pitakanda, and several other areas were evacuated to temporary shelters.

Six BTR troops carriers with 85 Army personnel have been deployed to Bulathsinhala areas Friday (26) evening while the Air Force has deployed six helicopters for rescue operations.

In addition, considering DMC reports, extra Army troop contingents have now been kept on standby since water levels in Kalu River, Kelani River and Gin River are reportedly rising fast.

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