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Dutch journalists kidnapped in Colombia

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBIA) – Two Dutch journalists have been abducted in Colombia in an area near the Venezuelan border.

Derk Bolt and Eugenio Follender went missing at the weekend in Catatumbo, a region where several armed groups operate, including the left-wing ELN.

They were searching for the mother of a Colombian child adopted in the Netherlands a few years ago.

The Colombian authorities tweeted a demand “for the immediate release of the two men.”

Last year the ELN rebel group kidnapped a Spanish journalist and several Colombians in the same area. All were later released.

The Colombian Army says it has sent Specialist Forces to the region to search for the Dutchmen.

They work for the Dutch TV programme ‘Spoorloos’, which traces lost relatives. Derk Bolt is a presenter and Eugenio Follender a cameraman.

Courtesy: BBC

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