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Two French Naval ships arrive at Colombo Harbour

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – The French Naval ships ‘Mistral’ and ‘Courbet’ arrived at the Colombo Harbour on a goodwill visit on Tuesday (20). The two ships were welcomed in compliance with Naval customs by the Sri Lanka Navy, upon their arrival.

The Naval vessel ‘Mistral’ consists of 431 ship’s crew including 56 officers. Meanwhile, there are 157 Naval personnel on-board ‘Courbet’ together with 18 officers.

The two ships are expected to stay in the country until 26th of this month and their crew is scheduled to take part in a range of activities organised by the Sri Lanka Navy. Besides, the French Naval personnel will also compete in several friendly sporting events with their Sri Lankan counterparts at the Welisara, Navy Ground.

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