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Thailand agrees to Sri Lanka rice call

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – As Bangkok too gave the green light last week to meet an urgent rice demand call by Colombo, Sri Lankan government’s overseas rice outreach now stands triumphant having bagged a huge tranche of rice ready to be shipped in anytime.

“Our efforts to procure rice from abroad on the directions of the President Maithripala Sirisena are a success” said Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen on Tuesday morning (18), after he was briefed by his officials on the outcome of their rice tours to Pakistan, Myanmar and Thailand. “We thank the Government of Thailand for its prompt response. There is no doubt we received quotes for high quality rice from Bangkok at best prices. This is also a sign of the strength of ongoing Thai – Sri Lanka bilateral trade. We also thank the governments of Pakistan and Myanmar for their immediate response” he added.

The total rice tranche ready to be flown in from Thailand, Pakistan, Myanmar and India now stands at a huge 255,000 MT. This total consists of both G2G and Govt-to Private Sector bids.

Accordingly, in a Government-to-Government (G2G) request for rice, Minister Bathiudeen’s team of officials met Thai Ministry of Commerce officials last Wednesday July 12 and Thursday July 13 in Bangkok and opened talks for procurement of 200,000 MT of rice. After discussions and sample tests. Sri Lankan officials placed an immediate order for 100,000 MT of par boiled rice (Nadu) with the Thai government at a price of US $ 425 per MT (supplier’s price before shipping for a kilo of rice at SL Rs 65.31 as of July 18 rates). Another 100,000 MT order of white raw rice from Thailand was held back for the time being by Lankan officials due to comparatively higher Bangkok price viz-a-viz Myanmar’s quote for the same.

Letters of Agreement for the 100000 MT of par boiled rice from Bangkok are to be issued by Colombo during this week and shipping for it from Bangkok is to commence anytime as soon as Thai Attorney General’s office issues the go-ahead.

Under Minister Bathiudeen’s instructions, another team of officials flew out to Pakistan and Myanmar on July 7 and returned to the island on July 14 after successful talks. This team led by Ministry Secretary Chinthaka Lokuhetti and included a food technologist, reported that Myanmar government too agreed to supply 30000 MT white raw rice immediately. The supplier price is a range-at US $ 290 per MT to $ 350 per MT (supplier’s price before shipping for a kilo of rice at SL Rs 44.57 to Rs 53.80, as of July 18 rates). Myanmar also agreed to supply another tranche of par boiled rice in September –the quantum and price to be agreed. Pakistan government is supplying 25000 MT of white raw rice immediately, subject to a final price quote and Pakistan also agreed to supply another 100,000 MT of par boiled rice in September (final price to be agreed).

Yet another 100,000 MT rice tranche is to be purchased by the Government of Sri Lanka from India’s private sector suppliers (Govt-to-pvt Sector call) immediately and Colombo’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce officials are now in the process of collecting tender bids for it.

Previously on 22 June, Minister Bathiudeen met HE Ambassador Designate of Thailand to Sri Lanka Mrs Chulamanee Chartsuwan, HE Ambassador of Indonesia to Sri Lanka Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa and Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad Khan Sipra to call for government to government rice supplies to Sri Lanka. All the HE Ambassadors present pledged immediate support to Sri Lanka’s efforts to procure the needed rice tranche.

The Cooperative Wholesale Establishment (CWE) under Minister Bathiudeen has been roped in as the government agency for the import and distribution of rice.

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