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“Govt. will provide all facilities necessary for advancement of traditional medicine of Sri Lanka” – President

(UTV|COLOMBO) – President Maithripala Sirisena says the government will provide all the facilities necessary for the advancement of the indigenous traditional medicine of Sri Lanka while giving due respect to the field.

President Sirisena said that even though the traditional indigenous medicine methods declined when the people turned towards the speedy treatments with the development of the innovations and researches of the Western medicine using the modern technology, we were a healthy nation in the history of our country because of our traditional indigenous medicine.

The President made these remarks participating at the inaugural ceremony of the “Tradmed International Sri Lanka 2017”, Educational Exhibition & Trade Fair on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, held at the Waters Edge in Battaramulla, on Thursday (23).

Speaking on this occasion, the President further stated that conferences like this should pay special attention to bring the strengthen of the indigenous medicine back into the society while providing the due respect to the Ayurvedic Physicians.

The conference jointly organized by the Health Ministry, the World Health Organization and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held from today to 25th at the Water’s Edge in Battaramulla.

Exhibition and Trade fair will be participated by 300-500 local and international exhibitors displaying their products and practices related to a wide range of plant based drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals cosmetics & related products.

The International Symposium will be a premier interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent research evidence, innovations and to discuss concerns and practical challenges encountered with a panel of specially selected internationally and locally reputed researchers and practitioners of TM and CM.

Minister of Health Rajitha Senaratne, Minister Susil Premajayantha, Secretary to the Health Ministry Mr. Janaka Sugathadasa, the Director General of Health Services Dr. Jayasundara Bandara, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Jayawardenapura University Prof. Sampath Amaratunga and the Regional Director of WHO South-East Asia Region Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh were among those participated in this occasion.


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