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Peter Jackson doing a WW1 documentary

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Teaming with 14-18 NOW, filmmaker Peter Jackson has announced plans for a new feature-length documentary about World War I which will mark the centennial anniversary of the war’s end.

Jackson and his team had access to the Imperial War Museums’ extensive archive, much of which unseen, along with hundreds of hours of BBC interviews with servicemen who fought in the conflict.

The historical footage then underwent a major restoration process and the results can be seen in a video below. The aim of the project isn’t to talk about the larger strategy and politics of the ‘war to end all wars,’ but rather to focus on the soldiers on the ground and their experiences.

The as-yet-unnamed project will have a U.K.-wide release in both 2D & 3D as part of the BFI London Film Festival in the Fall and nationwide via Trafalgar Releasing. WingNut Films is producing the project with a copy of the film also being given to every secondary school in Britain.

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