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Emma Watson donates £1m to anti-harassment campaign

UTV | COLOMBO – Harry Potter star Emma Watson has donated 1million pounds to a new campaign aimed at helping those affected by harassment.

The donation comes as nearly 200 female British and Irish stars have signed an open letter calling for an end to sexual harassment at work.

Emma Thompson, Keira Knightley and Emma Watson are among the actors to sign the letter, published in a state newspaper.

Women attending the Bafta Awards in London on Sunday night say they will wear black on the red carpet.

The move is a show of solidarity with the Hollywood-based movement “Time’s Up”, launched in the wake of sexual abuse allegations by high-profile actresses against film producer Harvey Weinstein.

Watson is one of the first donors to the UK Justice and Equality Fund, which has launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay for a new advice network.

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