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David Harbour finally dances with penguins in Antarctica

UTV | COLOMBO – David Harbour finally got his wish fulfilled of dancing with penguins in Antarctica.

The ‘Stranger Things’ actor tweeted a video of himself interacting with a colony of Gentoo penguins in Antarctica.

The actor wrote, “ Here’s a petition to create the largest protected area in the world. @Greenpeace has 1M sigs. Let’s give them 1.8….1.8 million. 1 for every proposed square km. For the ‘guins. Here’s me dancing with them, as promised. They don’t have netflix. @Greenpeace ?”

In the video, Harbour was seen showing off his signature dance move of ‘Hopper dance’, which went viral after it was executed by his character, Chief Hopper, in the award-winning Netflix series.

According to The People, Harbour’s girlfriend Alison Sudol filmed the video where he is seen asking his audience consisting of tiny penguins, “You guys seen Stranger Things? It’s on Netflix”.

In the video, he then later informed them that there is a special penguin-esque choreography dance which broke the internet and that he wants to share it with them. Later on, he thanked Greenpeace for making his dream come true.

Afterwards, he shared another video with his fans where he said that the whole adventure has now turned into “kind of another thing about protecting the Antarctic waters, this huge conservation movement that’s going on”.

In January, the 42-year-old actor launched a campaign to help him get to Antarctica to interact with penguins on the southernmost continent and hone his ‘Hopper dance’ skills.

After the popularity of the dance move, the actor pled his case to global campaigning organization Greenpeace to help him get the natural habitat of penguins and let him get some dance tips from the experts itself.

The organisation responded to his tweet and wrote, “Hmm, if you get over 200k we’ll ask the Captain if you can join our expedition to the Antarctic and dance with the penguins”.

The tweet got more than 380k retweets which got the actor onboard a vessel headed towards the continent earlier in February.

The tweet read, “Internet, listen…I’m a giver. I give and I give. But now I need you. I need 200k retweets to go dance with penguins. Please internet. Please retweet THIS TWEET. Please. A man needs his ‘guins”. (Foreign Media Reports)

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