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“Avengers: Infinity War” opens earlier in United States

(UTV|COLOMBO) – In a surprise announcement, Marvel Studios have moved “Avengers: Infinity War” up a week in North America with the film now opening Friday April 27th rather than May 4th.

Since the first “Iron Man,” Marvel Studios has often followed the formula of opening their films in most overseas markets first followed by the North American release the following week. Now, everyone is getting it at the same time with the rollout beginning worldwide from Wednesday April 25th.

The move follows in the wake of “Black Panther” which opened everywhere on the same week (with the odd exception like Russia, Japan and China). Whether this will be the new norm going forward is uncertain.

The move gives the film an extra week to rake in dough, with no real challengers to its crown until “Deadpool 2” on May 18th and “Solo: A Star Wars Story” on May 25th.

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