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National audit bill is constitutional – SC

UTV | COLOMBO – The Supreme Court has ruled that the National Audit Bill is consistent with the Constitution. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya making an announcement at the commencement of Parliament yesterday said the Supreme Court has determined that no provision in the Bill is inconsistent with the Constitution.

The much overdue Audit Bill is to be moved for debate on Friday. It was presented for the first reading on April 3. The Bill provides for the powers, duties and functions of the Audit Service Commission.It also provides for the establishment of the office of the National Audit Office and the Sri Lanka State Audit Service.

It specifies the role of the Auditor General over public finance. The Bill was gazetted incorporating the amendments proposed by the Cabinet sub-committee headed by Minister Dr. Sarath Amunugama. As per the gazetted bill, the powers of surcharge have been vested under the Chief Accounting Officers (Ministry Secretaries and Department Heads).

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