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Rs. 3 million contract given to murder Kirivehera Chief Incumbent

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Investigations have revealed that a contract worth of Rs. 3 million has been given to the suspects to assassinate the Kiri Vehera Raja Maha Vihara Chief Incumbent, Ven. Kobawaka Dhamminda Thero.

Police have been able to discover the weapons and the vehicle used in the assassination attempt, Police Media Spokesperson Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara said.

According to the Police, the prime suspect Asela Lakshman Bandara, who was a former Custodian of the Mahasen Devalaya at the Temple has given a Rs. 3 million contract to murder the Dhamminda Thero and participated in planning the assassination. He has allegedly given the contract to 2 twin brothers serving in the temple and 2 others.

The Police arrested Bandara and 2 suspects in Pepiliyana and the twin brothers in Kataragama.

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