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Bahrain, UAE slam Qatar for attempts to defame Saudi Arabia

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Bahrain’s Ministry of Information Affairs has announced full support for the Saudi Media Ministry’s statement rejecting Qatar’s irresponsible and false allegations linking Saudi Arabia with the pirate TV channel beoutQ.

The Bahraini ministry also rejected the allegation of political intent connected to the anti-terror Arab quartet’s dispute with Qatar.

The ministry asserted its understanding of the reasons behind the Saudi ban on BeIN Sport, a subsidiary of Al Jazeera Media Network, owing to the involvement of the Qatari channels in supporting terrorism and extremism, as well as promoting sedition, hatred and extremism in the region.

Moreover, the Bahraini ministry condemned the propaganda campaign against Saudi Arabia and the deviation of BeIN Sport from its discourse during the broadcasting of football’s 2018 World Cup with the aim of defaming Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

The ministry called for a review of the legal status of BeIN Sport channels in all countries, and stressed its backing of the Saudi measures taken in this regard.

The National Media Council (NMC) in the UAE has also commended the frequent and effective measures taken by Saudi Arabia to fight piracy and protect intellectual property (IP) rights.

“The NMC appreciates relentless efforts being exerted by the Saudi Ministry of Media in fighting media piracy by a pirate entity named ‘beoutQ,’ as part of the Saudi government’s commitment to protecting IP rights,” said the NMC in a statement.

“Qatar is trying to cover up its clear technical failure to protect its sports channels against piracy,” the statement noted.

The NMC also condemned Qatar’s attempts to involve BeIN Sports in politics, which have been closely monitored and observed through its programs, which targeted not only the Saudi Arabia, but also a number of Arab countries.

Concluding its statement, the NMC called for reviewing the legal status of BeIN Sports in each country in light of these repeated involvements of sports in politics, especially during the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

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