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Andaman Parliamentarian demands 1.5 hectors of land for Tamil settlers from Sri Lanka in Andaman

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The lone Member of Parliament of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bishnu Pada Ray has urged the Indian Government to allot 1.5 hectares of land to 48 families Tamil Settlers from Sri Lanka in Kamorta Island, the United News of India (UNI) reported.

Not many know that Andaman and Nicobar islands also have some Tamil settlers from Sri Lanka, who were settled in remote Katchal Island long back.

According to reports after execution of an agreement between Lall Bahadur Shastri, the then Prime Minister of India and the then President of Sri Lanka in the year of 1976, the Indian origin Tamil community of Sri Lanka were settled in Little Andaman and at Shoal Bay under South Andaman district and all of them were allotted two hectares of land under colonisation scheme.

Whereas, 48 families settled in Katchal Island have been allotted only 0.5 hectares land.

So, now the lone Andaman and Nicobar Islands Parliamentarian has requested the Government to allot rest 1.5 hectors land to 48 families in Kamorta.

According to Andaman Parliamentarian although former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Government had agreed to allot 1.5 hactors of land to these setters but even after the assurance, no action has been taken by the administration and the issue is lying unsettled for the past 42-years.

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