(UTV|COLOMBO) The sons of Neil Armstrong are defending Damien Chazelle’s docudrama about the moon landing after conservative pundits decried the film’s lack of emphasis on the American flag’s planting on the lunar surface.
If you believe the conspiracy theory, America never landed on the moon in 1969. Rumours abound that director Stanley Kubrick created the lunar landing footage
“This story is human and it is universal. Of course, it celebrates an America achievement. It also celebrates an achievement ‘for all mankind,’” said the Armstrongs and Hansen. “The filmmakers chose to focus on Neil looking back at the earth, his walk to Little West Crater, his unique, personal experience of completing this journey, a journey that has seen so many incredible highs and devastating lows.”
Though First Man includes several shots showing the American flag on the moon, it does not depict the flag planting. After the film premiered earlier this week at the Venice Film Festival, some commentators on social media who hadn’t seen the movie criticised the film. They were reacting largely to Ryan Gosling, who stars as Neil Armstrong, telling reporters in Venice that the astronaut’s accomplishments “transcend countries and borders.”
Columnist Bill Kristol claimed the film was “a foolish and pernicious falsification of history.”
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