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Dark Phoenix trailer: Sophie Turner’s Jean is battling her own demons

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Dark Phoenix is the twelfth film in the X-Men series and is the start of a new trilogy. The trailer of Dark Phoenix is out and we find out what the film is all about.

X-Men have to fight against one of their own Jean Grey, played by Sophie Turner. After a mission in space goes wrong, Jean Grey returns as a changed person. The dark power inside her has become a threat to her own self and is a danger to X-Men. With the two personalities fighting for control over her, it is now upto X-Men to save Jean from herself.

In the trailer, we are also shown glimpses of Phoneix’s childhood. X-Men also start questioning Charles about his handling of Jean.

Moving forward, X-Men will now be integrated into Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe and will fall under the supervision of Kevin Feige.

Directed by Simon Kinberg, Dark Phoenix stars Sophie Turner, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Jessica Chastain among others.

Dark Phoenix releases on February 14.

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